Holding a frog |
Kissing a frog! |
Hermana Hunt with Miquel and his wife |
A spider in my water bottle - we find a few of these a day! |
Axel's Baptism |
Hermana's Shoaf and Hunt |
New Companion, Hermana Medina |
Hermana Hunt with Sandra and her family |
Trying to fix the broken key |
Sandra's family with CTR rings |
Well well, it was a week of fun, excitement, drama, and surprises! We got
transfer calls on Tuesday night, thinking that for sure we would both stay or
MAYBE I would leave. We were both very surprised when the first thing Elder
Robinson said was that Hermana Shoaf was going to Resistencia Barrio 3.... and
after that, he ended with ´y Hermana Hunt, está entrenando!!!´ (in english that
means I´m TRAINING!!!). I was pretty shocked!! So... well, yep! I´m training!
Haha. I have a cute little greeny she is a cute porteña from Buenos Aires
Capital and her name is Hermana Viviana Medina. She is WAY awesome and
basically came pre-trained... I think I am learning a lot more from her than she
is from me! We get along really well and have a great time together, and work
well together. So it looks like I will be staying here in Formosa for at least
another 2 transfers! Since I only have 4 transfers left I may even stay here
until I end, or I may go to another area for my last 2 transfers, or I may leave
after this transfer and someone else will come and finish training Hermana
Medina, which is happening pretty often lately. I guess we´ll see! Anyway...
here are some highlights of the week:
- I sent a few pictures, one of which is a cute little red and yellow spider I
trapped in my water bottle. Don´t worry... I find at least one or two of these
in our pension every day. Man I sure love spiders...
- I also sent another picture of my with 2 knives and our door. Hahah so what
happened is that we have 2 keys, one to our front door and one to our gate, and
Hna. Medina put the one to the gate in our front door just to leave it there
when we walked in the house. So I, thinking that it was the right key, shut the
door and tried to lock it before going to bed. It turned once, and then
wouldn´t turn anymore, and then got stuck inside of our door and we couldn´t get
it out. So we trying turning it and pulling it and it didn´t work, so I finally
yanked, and the key broke... leaving the end inside of the door still, and
leaving us locked inside! Hahah. We tried to do an operation with knives to the
push the end of the key out and it wouldn´t budge. Finally I used tweezers and
got it out... but the lock inside much have broken because it still wouldn´t
lock all the way or unlock. The next morning we had to call our dueño and he
did some surgery on the key and fixed it, haha. Luckily we were finally able to
open our door and leave to work!
- Another funny story, so Hermana Medina and I were talking about one of our
investigators and how we want to work with her daugther because she (the mom) is
really worried, and I was telling her a story about how last week with Hermana
Shoaf she went off with us for a half hour about her daughter and how she is
worried about her and thinks she´s pregnant and how she has been wearing a scarf
every day and she peeked under her scarf while she was sleeping and found
hickeys and all this stuff.... so the problem is that there are 2 similar words
in castellano, chupón means hickey, and chupetín means sucker (like the candy
that you eat). I had learned the word for hickey before so I already knew it,
but for some reason chupetín was coming out of my mouth instead of chupón,
hahaha. Hermana Medina sat there pretty confused about why our investigator was
making such a big deal about finding suckers hidden under her daugther´s
scarf... hahaha! When she finally figured it out and told me I was saying it
wrong, we sat there laughing for a good 5 minutes. Ohhhh spanish :)
- well there were a lot of changes this transfer, so everything is different
but it´s good! Hermana Blatter who was in the mtc with me is going to Lavalle,
my old area!! I was so so excited for her, and on the bus ride to Resistencia I
made sure to tell her all of the people she had to take care of and all of the
places she needed to eat, haha. In Resistencia we met up with Elders McClellin
and White who were also in our mtc district, and then in Resistencia when I went
to pick up my greeny, Elder McClellin and Bartholomew were both there picking up
their trainees too! We took a picture together which I sent. It was definitely
fun seeing all of them!
- Also, although I am really sad because Hermana Juarez left, I am also
excited because Hermana Green came to Formosa and we are in the same zone! We
saw each other at church on Sunday and I think we spent 5 minutes hugging
because we were so excited to see each other haha. She told me all about
everyone in Posadas. I was especially excited to hear that my converts Ramona
and Lucas and their family are doing good, and that Ramona is serving in the
Relief Society presidency already, even though she doesn´t know how to read or
write. There is nothing that makes me more happy than to know that those people
that I care about so much not only have been able to get baptized, but have been
able to stay firm in their decision to be baptized and stay strong in the gospel
afterwards. Baptisms are really special and there is always a really great
spirit there, but the real test to see whether or not the person has made a
change is if they stick with it, and the gospel really changes them. I am so
happy to see my converts staying strong in the church still and partaking of the
blessings and changes that come from the gospel through out their lives, not
just before and during their baptism.
- Here in Formosa I have also been able to see my converts continue in church
and stay strong. Maria and her family come every week without fail and are so
so awesome... always on time, always willing to help with anything and
participate in everything. Maria´s husband bears his testimony every fast
sunday and this last week his little son Mati even went up there with him, it
was so adorable. Their boys are definitely future missionaries. Also I forgot
to mention last week but after the baptisms of Jorge and Miguel, last week they
were able to bless and pass the sacrament. Even though they struggled a little
bit and didn´t know exactly what they were doing, haha, it was such a special
experience. They both come to church every week now and are a big strength to
the other members for their courage and testimonies. We are teaching Jorge´s
mom and I am shocked in every lesson because we ask a question and Jorge just
shoots the answer out in a second. He is only 13 and he knows everything about
the gospel so well!! He is such a strength to his mom and we are really hoping
she will be able to keep going strong and get baptism... so far he has been the
key in her conversion.
Well, I think that´s about it! It was definitely a busy and crazy week, but
all is well! Things are slowly but surely improving here in Parque and I am
enjoying missionary life. This week I officially hit my one year mark, which
really is just crazy. Crazy how fast the time flies, although I kind of feel
like I have been a missionary my whole life and there just wasn´t life before!
Haha. Thanks everyone for your support, I love and miss you all and continue to
pray for you all! CHAUCITO!
--Hermanita Hunt
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