Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Kids helping me make banana bread

Scorpion in our apartment

Moldy Meat - Gross!

Hola familia y amigos! Feliz año nuevo! Espero que todo esté bien con todo alla! Acá es mi lista para esta semana:

  • scorpions. in the apartment. we found one crawling on our floor 2 nights in a row. not kidding!! Thank goodness they are only the size of a spider.. haha
  • calling a member to come with us to a lesson and then showing up where we were going to meet to find a different member there. wait... what? this isn´t the guy we called...? hahaha, turns out they live in the same house, and I totally thought I was talking to someone different on the phone.  So instead of Hermano Saracho, Hermano Zalazar was there.  Bueno... he ended up being perfect to bring to this lesson!  The Lord works in mysterious ways! :)
  • making banana bread at Miguel´s house this week.  We were about to leave when Mauro runs out of the bathroom, completely wet and COMPLETELY naked, and stands there with his lips puckered and says ´besitos besitos?! :)´  Yep.. we got besitos from a little wet naked 4-year old. Ohhh goodness I love that family
  • we´re sitting on the bus when out of nowhere a guy stands up and starts speaking a million words a minute and starts pulling out all this jewelry from his bag and showing it to everyone.. like an infomercial.  We sat there and watched in awe as he presented his product, and then like 5 people actually bought it!  Haha we just looked at each other like ´did that just really happen?!´
  • we´re sitting at the bus stop talking about what we can improve on and Hermana Green tries to say ´well we´re having a lot of success´ but instead she says a different word that sounds like success but definitely is not success.  I´ll let you figure out what she really said... haha, lets just say I am glad most Argentine´s don´t understand english or that would sound pretty bad coming from the mouth of a missionary!
  • also this week we heard a 10 minute talk from a guy about how our god is Satan and his god is God.  Haha whewww... it was so great.  Usually I am pretty calm during those but this time I started getting a little impatient.  I just said ´gracias hermano por compartir con nosotras pero tenemos que ir...´ and then he responded with ´no, no somos hermanos! porque tu dios es satanás´...., ohh it was so great
  • we went to find this guy from the old area book and he was out of town but his 2 brothers were there.  I thought they asked if we wanted his number (the number of the guy we were searching for) and I said yeah that would be good so they gave me a number and then another number... turns out they were giving us their numbers. awkward...

  • new years eve with Mirta and Miguel´s family. we ate steak. not kidding. mmmmmmmm!
  • waiting for a bus for an hour on new years eve. we spent midnight on the corner, watching everyone dance and shoot fireworks. haha ok maybe this shouldn´t go under the awesome column... but still, it was great.
  • Miguel. he. is. awesome.  Since his baptism he has been so rock solid! It is so incredible to me to see the change in him and also in Mabel after their decision to be baptized they are both completely faithful.  They are willing to make whatever sacrifices they need to in order to go to church.  The other day Miguel told us his whole story, parts that we didn´t know before, and it is incredible the changes that have happened in their family and the blessings they are now receiving.  Seriously, he is going to convert all of his friends haha because his testimony is rock solid!  We video´d him sharing his story and testimony.. someday you´ll all have to watch it! Some of his friends at work are already quitting smoking because of his example and he is inviting all his friends to church. Awesome!!

Bueno, think that´s it!  Have a fabulous week everyone!!

--Hermanita Hunt

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